As fate (or divine design) would have it - my voice ended up being the vehicle for my greatest healing. I stepped away. I quit music. But I soon I realized the very thing which was causing me the most pain was also the *only* thing able to bring me back into my full, expressive humanity. As it turns out, I could not simply reject my voice and do something else - that was making me sick. The only way to healing my voice and connecting to myself was through my voice with myself. It worked. I returned to my voice as a transformed person and that connection has gotten stronger every day.
Along the path back to my own voice, shamanism entered my life again as a force of good. I am currently walking The Beauty Path rooted in Celtic Shamanism. This ancient way has provided me with a divine focus of heart-connected nature wisdom through which I now align my intentions and actions.
As fate (or divine design) would have it - my voice ended up being the vehicle for my greatest healing. I stepped away. I quit music. But I soon I realized the very thing which was causing me the most pain was also the *only* thing able to bring me back into my full, expressive humanity. As it turns out, I could not simply reject my voice and do something else - that was making me sick. The only way to healing my voice and connecting to myself was through my voice with myself. It worked. I returned to my voice as a transformed person and that connection has gotten stronger every day.
Along the path back to my own voice, shamanism entered my life again as a force of good. I am currently walking The Beauty Path rooted in Celtic Shamanism. This ancient way has provided me with a divine focus of heart-connected nature wisdom through which I now align my intentions and actions.
Along the way as a singer, largely working without 'conscious intent' other than 'success,' I experienced a number of traumas that ultimately lead me to the work I am now doing. Though I went to music school and studied voice, even performing at a professional level, singing was also the source of most of my suffering and pain in life. My self worth was entangled with my ‘success’ as a singer, to a point where I could not enjoy it at all. I have a beautiful instrument. I really do. But I was disconnected from my voice - I treated it like a thing to control instead of a divine instrument expressing my Singing Soul... my Shamanic Soul... and I had the most crippling, abusive inner dialogue...
Along the way as a singer, largely working without 'conscious intent' other than 'success,' I experienced a number of traumas that ultimately lead me to the work I am now doing. Though I went to music school and studied voice, even performing at a professional level, singing was also the source of most of my suffering and pain in life. My self worth was entangled with my ‘success’ as a singer, to a point where I could not enjoy it at all. I have a beautiful instrument. I really do. But I was disconnected from my voice - I treated it like a thing to control instead of a divine instrument expressing my Singing Soul... my Shamanic Soul... and I had the most crippling, abusive inner dialogue...
Over the years, with full focus on music, my shamanic voice became but a whisper. My spirit guides waited patiently in the wings while I stood on the stage as a performer in various capacities. While I was focused on music, my interests in the healing arts never wained. I spend the better part of 15 years working on my own healing using different modalities rooted in everything from metaphysical exploration to shamanic healing. Even when the view was obscured by the trees or a large hill, the healing path was almost always visible from the music path - I just had to make my way down my chosen path until the two paths converged.
My spirit guides were patient. They knew I would come around in time. In their wisdom, they knew that for me "all roads lead to Rome"... or, rather, all roads lead me back to my soul. They knew I had to experience certain things along the music path before I could open to my role as The Voice Shaman.
My spirit guides were patient. They knew I would come around in time. In their wisdom, they knew that for me "all roads lead to Rome"... or, rather, all roads lead me back to my soul. They knew I had to experience certain things along the music path before I could open to my role as The Voice Shaman.
As a young person needing to 'decide' her future, I stood at a crossroads - do I follow the music path or do I follow the healing path? At 18, I chose the music path and, after a few years of milling around, I pursued a degree in vocal performance with the aim to become a professional opera singer. But the deep call within my soul to Walk the Beauty Path never left me.
As a young person needing to 'decide' her future, I stood at a crossroads - do I follow the music path or do I follow the healing path? At 18, I chose the music path and, after a few years of milling around, I pursued a degree in vocal performance with the aim to become a professional opera singer. But the deep call within my soul to Walk the Beauty Path never left me.
My Path to Voice Reunion
In the Shamanic Work section, you'll find everything relating to my shamanic transformational work with clients including 1-on-1sessions, online courses, and regular group circles.
In the Creative Work section, you'll find everything pertaining to my creative output including music, divine instruments, and art.
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Journey to Meet Your Singing Spirit GuideThere is a sacred presence available within you that can bring you closer to your own divine singing - and it has nothing to do with your training or vocal quality! Meeting your own Singing Spirit Guide will unite you with your voice in ways you didn't know were possible!
Reunion: coming together again after a period of separation.
Reunion caries with it a feeling of wholeness, completeness, joy and arrival. Reunion is inevetable. Reunion is home.
It may be with someone else -
family, friends, soul family, community, tribe.
It may be with yourself - welcoming home parts of yourself, reintegrating aspects of your soul which have become displaced for one reason or another.
Reunion caries with it a feeling of wholeness, completeness, joy and arrival. Reunion is inevetable. Reunion is home.
It may be with someone else -
family, friends, soul family, community, tribe.
It may be with yourself - welcoming home parts of yourself, reintegrating aspects of your soul which have become displaced for one reason or another.